life is only as complicated as you allow it to be.
that's a bold statement, isn't it? how many of us can honestly claim to not have a complicated life? i, for one, was born into the world with complications. from having a hole in my heart (not an uncommon defect in newborn babies), to my parents arguing over my roman name and not registering it, which has resulted in a lot of minor inconveniences throughout my life.
not to mention the rest of it: divorced parents, multiple step-parents, being thrown around from house to house whilst growing up, not knowing how to address my mother whenever she came back from the other side of the world, growing up with a minor identity crisis, so on and so forth. (i'm really making it out to sound worse than it really was.)
so, it's only natural that the rest of my life is abounded with complications. and i think it explains why i constantly feel the need for change. which, brings me to this new look for my blog, but not the topic of this post. i digress.
i had conversations with a couple of people regarding the simple life. can we do it? by the simple life, i mean living in a world with minimal materialism. imagine life on a farm, or on an island. getting by on a day-to-day job with no worries of how to get a pay rise and that next promotion. taking pleasures in the simple things in life like having a stroll in the park or spending your day out in the garden.
for those of us who have had a taste of the luxury life, it's not so easy. but i don't believe it can't be done. i did, after all, spend some formative years on kangaroo island and believe me, there's not much to be materialistic about over there except how many acres of farmland you've got.
things are a lot less complicated there. until you find out your father is screwing your best mate's mother.
i shall continually strive for that elusive life free of complications. one step at a time. there are still so many steps to go.
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